Landlords & Tenants Rights Initiative
May I on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative (LTR) welcome you to this platform. Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative was formally registered as a Non Government Organisation on the 5th Day of June 2009 at the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja.
The objectives of the organisation are
- To promote peaceful coexistence between Landlords and Tenants through the promotion of awareness of their respective legal rights and obligations
- To advocate the use of Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes in the resolution of Landlords and Tenants disputes
- To promote home ownership
- To partner with relevant organisations and stakeholders in the promotion of Landlords and Tenants disputes
Since its commencement of operations the Initiative has worked silently off limelight advising Landlords and Tenants on the most appropriate course of action for their numerous challenges.
We look forward to your active participation in propagating our mission to private and official networks
Mission Statement
To enlighten Landlords and Tenants on their respective legal rights and obligations and to empower them to resolve their disputes through amicable dispute resolutions (DR) processes
landlords & tenants rights initiative
Founder of this Initiative
Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative is the brainchild of Nigerian Attorney, Mr. Valentino Buoro. He conceptualized and incorporated this organization shortly after the completion of a mediation skills training which he undertook.
According to him his new knowledge had sufficiently exposed him to the fact that landlords and tenants needed not waste a number of years seeking judicial pronouncement over issues that can be conveniently resolved at the table under the guidance of a skilled and certified mediator.
He was further convinced that this objective can be seamlessly achieved with the assistance of lawyers and other relevant professionals who train as specialist mediation advocates. It is for these reasons that the Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative draws heavily on the support of Mediation Advocates and other Volunteers who give of their time and resources to make the world a better place.

landlords & tenants rights initiative
Our Strategic Partners
More Info
Lagos State Citizens Mediation Centre – (CMC)
The Lagos State Citizens Mediation Centre (CMC) provides free mediation services to indigent persons in the State.
Attorney-Mediators Association – (ATMA Nigeria)
The Attorney-Mediators Association is constituted by independent Attorneys who provide both Ad Hoc and institutional mediation services. Clients of Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative who desire mediation services on-site or at other locations of corporate and individual choice, find the services of ATMA Nigeria members invaluable.
Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates – (SCMA)
SCMA NIGERIA under the auspices of its UK parent body trains and grants accreditation to Mediation Advocates and Advisors
—landlords & tenants rights initiative